Go2 Impact LLC
Bilgi Teknolojisi
501-1000 Çalışan
Çeşitli EkipDaire OrganizasyonuDepartmanlar Arası İşbirliğiİngilizce konuşma
Kültür ve yaşam
Şirket Hakkında
Go2 was founded in 2016 with the goal of connecting a global workforce in a way that inspires, nurtures and accelerates the development of all parties involved. As a young company we were exposed to the inequities of the market - most notably, the glaring disparity between talent and opportunity.  Harnessing the power of outsourcing people and technology, we were able to conduct business operations globally through a more cost-efficient means by tapping the stream of highly skilled workforce in the Philippines. At present, the Go2 team has expanded to El Salvador, India, Costa Rica, Morocco, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Kenya among others.​ Go2's culture-first approach has had tremendous success in retaining teammates and customers. We have a team dedicated to provide support and feedback to our team members. We make use of progressive and cutting-edge technologies that provide us insights on how our users work and what best ways to improve our services.​ Go2 is at the forefront of a global shift from the usual employment model. We believe that strong startup growth, combined with a shortage of labor with the skills needed to compete in the digital economy, will encourage companies to embrace new talent sources worldwide.  And you can be part of that, too.
Şirket tanıtım yazısı
Web Sitehttps://careers.go2.io/
Şirket büyüklüğü501-1000 Çalışan
SektörBilgi Teknolojisi
Finansman aşamasıStratejiFinanse edilmemiş

go2, 123 N 3rd St, Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA

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Güvenliğiniz, Bossjob'ta Önceliğimiz.
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Aşağıdaki özelliklere sahip bir işverenle karşılaşırsanız:
  • Kimliğinizi hukuka aykırı bir şekilde saklayan,
  • Teminat veya mülkiyet talep eden,
  • Yatırım yapmanız veya para toplamanız konusunda size baskı yapıyorsa,
  • Yasa dışı menfaat peşinde olan,
  • Veya başka herhangi bir yasa dışı faaliyette bulunursa,
Lütfen hemen bize bildirin.